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The WOEF repeater system is maintained and funded by the Twin City FM Club.  We welcome all licensed amateurs to use the repeaters at any time. We especially welcome your assistance and support through donations and/or club dues to help keep the WOEF repeater system on the air. But most of all, welcome to the WOEF repeater system!

Output Input Tone Notes
146.76 146.16 114.8 This multi-receiver unit covers most of the metro area. It transmits from approximately 120 feet above ground level, at Oak Leaf Drive and NW 2nd Street in St Louis Park. It is connected to AllstarLink  – EchoLink is being worked on
444.1 449.1 114.8 This powerful 70cm repeater sees lots of use during morning and evening drive time.  It shares the same transmitter site as the 146.76 repeater. It is also hooked up to Wires-x
444.125 449.125 114.8 This repeater is now a DR-2X on subtone 114.8 transmitting from the Southdale Hospital located near Hwy 62 (Crosstown) and France Avenue in Edina.

Regular Nets:

Freq Day Time Net
146.76 Saturday 9:30 AM Swap Shop, the on-air Ham-fest!