Many Events, VE Testing, and meetings have been altered –
Check websites for additional dates.
Next TCFMC General Meeting
Monday March 24, 2025
The St. Cloud Amateur Radio clubs 2025 Cabin fever Reliever is. Saturday, Feb 15, 2025 at the St. cloud Armory; and
Maple Grove’s Midwinter Madness is March 22 2025 at the Buffalo Civic Center.
Figure you are going to all three!
Don’t forget about the big breakfast coming November 29th at Perkins off Louisiana ave in Golden Valley – gathering at 6am all hams are welcome to attend – we will have door prizes too!
Tech class:
2/5/2025 – Technician Class – Online
Maple Grove RC; Wednesdays 6:30 PM – 9:15 PM, 10 weeks
Contact registration@mnyarc.org
Casual Get-Togethers
Hams in the Park will hold its last session of the season on Saturday, October 7th at Long Lake Regional Park in New Brighton, starting at noon. Talk-in will be on 146.52 simplex. Come on over and set up your radio gear one more time and enjoy the company of like-minded friends.
A DMR Radio Class will be hosted by Dan, KDØTGF, on September 16th, at the Owatonna VFW, 135 Oakdale St. in Owatonna, beginning with DMR101 from 9 am to noon and Advanced DMR (bring your computer and radio to be programmed) from 1 pm to 7 pm. More details at dmr.kd0tgf.com.
The Twin City FM Club is holding their Friday morning Breakfast starting at 6 am at Perkins, 6920 Wayzata Blvd. in Golden Valley just off the Louisiana Avenue exit on I-394.
The Minnesota DMR community hasn’t announced an in-person breakfast schedule for the new year. But you can also join them for an online Virtual breakfast. Check out the Where’s Breakfast page on the www.minnesotadmr.com website for more details.
The Northern Lights Radio Society is holding breakfast on each second Saturday of the month at the Golden Corral, 3000 White Bear Ave. #4, in Maplewood starting at 8:30 am. The restaurant is located in the small strip mall just across White Bear Ave on the north end of the Maplewood Mall, in the SE corner of White Bear Ave and Woodlyn Ave.
The Bakken Amateur Radio Society Fusion Technical Net is held on Monday nights at 7:30 pm local time in WIRES-X Room #21493 and on the MNWIS repeaters. The net is open to anyone interested in System Fusion, Yaesu and so on. For more details, check out their website: www.wØmdt.com.
The Minnesota DMR community also has a weekly net on Wednesday nights from 7 – 8pm on the DMR Minnesota State Talkgroup # 3127
Weekly Net Links:
MARA Sunday Night Swap Net
BARS Fusion Net
Minnetonka Radio Club
Anoka County Radio Club (ACRC)
Richfield Amateur Radio club
Weekly Pico Nets
TCFMC Saturday Swap Shop 9:30AM
146.76 repeater
MAGIC Repeater Net
VE Testing Locations and Contacts
(Check Calendar for dates and time)
Anoka County Radio Club
Blaine City Hall – 10801 Town Square Drive NE, Blaine
Contact Shep Shepardson 651 340-0567 or N0NMZ@arrl.net
Bloomington Amateur Radio Association
Bloomington City Hall-Police Department, 1800 West Old Shakopee Road, Bloomington
Contact Dan Royer 952 888-9756 or dandroyer@gmail.com
Maple Grove Radio Club and MNYARC
Maple Grove Radio Club (K0LTC.org), and Minnesota Youth Amateur Radio Council (MNYARC.org) have received permission of the ARRL VEC and the FCC to conduct completely online video-supervised testing with strict rules and protocols for maintaining the integrity of the testing environment.
Candidates may sign up to be on the waiting list, but may not sign up for an exam without going through the queue and being invited to do so. In some places around the country, the waiting list is in the thousands. We have not reached that level yet.
We will give priority in this order:
1. Anyone who has been enrolled in one of our radio courses,
2. Candidates within Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota
For more information and to sign up for the waiting list visit: exam.mnyarc.org or email Gordie, NØZRD, at n0zrd@mnyarc.org.
The Riverbend Wireless Mechanical Society
Buckham Memorial Library, 11 Division Street East, Faribault(use rear entrance- great room)No Walk-ins accepted;
Please call to schedule, contact Adam Bjorklund KC0OUZ@RBWMS.net
St. Paul Radio Club – 1st Sat of the month (ex Aug).
Galilee Lutheran Church, 145 McCarrons Blvd N, Roseville, MN 55113-6923
Steve Scott WA7HPK 651 -604-0919 or pipemajor2@gmail.com
Sherburne County VE’s take reservations only…
Contact Boaz Erickson 763-263-5644
SE Metro Amateur Radio Club (AKA SEMARC)
South East Metro Amateur Radio Club (SEMARC) holds VE exam sessions every 3rd Saturday of the month, except December. Pre-registration is required. NO WALK-INS! Exams are held at 9:00 a.m. at Zion Lutheran Church in Cottage Grove (Washington County). A Federal Registration Number (FRN) and an email address are required prior to testing. Visit www.semarc.org/P7_VE.htm for more information.
Zion Lutheran Church, 8500 Hillside Trail South, Cottage Grove
Contact Daniel Franz WD0GUP 651 769-0358 or WD0GUP@hotmail.com
Valley Amateur Radio Club
Perkins Restaurant – 17387 Kenyon Ave, Lakeville
Contact James Rice, N0OA 612 384-7709 or jrice@danpatch.org
W5YI Team
Carver County Library, 7711 Kerber Blvd, Chanhassan (Longfellow Room)
Contact Dale Blomgren 952 402-2155 or KDZERO@aol.com